Category Department of ENT
Nationality: Egypt
Other Information
Diagnosis and treatment:
- All diseases of the nose, ear and throat using binoculars
- Circles of vertigo and loss of balance
- Ear, Nose and Throat Emergency:
1- Extracting a foreign body from the nose, ear, throat and pharynx
2 - bleeding from the nose
3. Ear, nose and throat injuries
Processes :
- Tonsectomy and lactation
- Removal of the appendicitis through the surgical endoscopes
- Partial removal of the cartilage of the nose with surgical endoscopy
- Treatment of chronic inflammation of the sinuses with surgical endoscopy
- Laparoscopic nasal septal evaluation
Repair of broken bones of the nose
- Treatment of cases of snoring surgically
- The process of incision of the eardrum and installation of ventilation tube
- Extracting a foreign body from the nose, ear and pharynx with binoculars